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full moon 滿月,望月。

full name

Blow the trumpet at the new moon , at the full moon , on our feast day 詩81 : 3當在月朔、并月望我們過節的日期、吹角。

By jun associated with the lack of a full moon to share this point of time 誓與君相伴月缺至月圓共度此時至此生!

Last night there was a full moon 昨晚是滿月。

It ' s full moon now right 現在是滿月了,對嗎?

The full moon has a circular form 滿月呈圓形。

Just two days till full moon 只要兩天就是滿月了

When the full moon rises tomorrow 明天月圓的時候

If you are out at night during a full moon , be extra careful 如果您在月圓之夜仍只身在外,千萬要特別小心。

In several months on a full moon night 它就會經過這里

The mid - autumn festival with the full moon in the sky calls people to gather 中秋佳節,人月兩圓。

You won ' t turn into a werewolf until the rising of your first full moon 你要到第一個滿月時才會變成狼人

When the full moon rises tomorrow . . 明天當月圓的時候. .

And there ' s a super - duper low tide . full moon tonight , and action 小溪的水位很低今晚會是盈月,行動!

Many people believe the full moon affects how we feel and act 許多人認為滿月會影響我們的感覺及行為。

A full moon was floating in the gently fog over the deep blue sea 一輪滿月浮在深藍色海面上的薄霧中。

The festival is celebrated on the day before full moon day of thadingyut 節日是在達丁矩月圓日之前舉

The full moon is like a pitcher pouring out a healing elixir 滿月就像一個大水罐傾吐出治愈的煉金藥。

Her face is bright like the full moon 她的臉就像皎潔的滿月

You smile so that the full moon smiles 您一微笑圓月笑臉盈盈